Google Play Music, A Eulogy

Asher "Zach" Neuman
4 min readOct 31, 2020

We Hardly Knew You

Fellow music lovers, Android users, and late adopters- lend me your ears! I come to bury Google Play Music, not to praise it! Okay, well maybe a little praise.

Photo by Daniele Franchi on Unsplash

I’m not one for memorializing services or proclaiming my love for a product or brand, but this is a different scenario. This music player has helped me through a lot, especially while moving across the world.

In all seriousness, I still remember how I fell into it when iTunes failed me. My iPod just felt insignificant compared to the supercomputer in my pocket. Why couldn’t I have some music on my smartphone, too? Suddenly, I was plugging my headphone jack into my phone and watching YouTube videos, while I came across this little icon:

I opened it up, signed in, and didn’t end up using it much. I saw how the cost, and I barely even paid for iTunes when I used it, so I just ignored it.

Then, I had a crazy idea. It might lead to some weird stuff, but I had nothing to lose. I tapped on the search bar and searched “free music”.

What I found was a mix of Foo Fighters, The Winners of the Independent Music Awards, Malkovitch Music, Lupe Fiasco, and Lance Gargoyle; a great start to a music collection if I may say so myself. The best part? All of that was free.



Asher "Zach" Neuman

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